Thursday, November 24, 2005

oh ya, I remember another incident, on second day.
I was stupid enough to follow the crowd to take a bus all the way to Holland V to eat Burger King. But that's not the point. There was this sweet and incredibly cute RG gal alone, and I was going to sit with her.
And of allllll people, I met Shida there, and he was friendly enough to ask me to sit with him. . And so i had to oblige....
sad sia

Shall blog about todae then.
It was another slack day, cos Xie had exam next mon(she alos did group presentation this ytd) so obviously she's damn busy. So we were just washing the thiol compounds etc. Heard 4th level very fun, can kill mice..
Maybe on that fateful day..
I should have told Ms Noreena that i like bio, instead of chem...
But it's too late now..
No room for regrets..
Yet the regrets linger on..

Then lunch, the friendly Kailin from Crescent led us to the Container. Had set lunch. I gave all my mushroom from my mushroom pasta to Ivan(from HC). It was quite nice, the meal.

Sometimes it is quite embarrassing when they refer to me as "little boy"

Afternoon I was damn sleepy. Like dunno how many days sleep less than 5 hrs... een though still holidays... nearly fell asleep. And the fucking ellipsometry was damn frustrating, and i got scolded by that czech guy for reflectng laser.

Playing around with the magnetic stirrer was quite fun sia... @@

Now damn pro in solitaire... haha


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