Friday, November 18, 2005

just feeling rather pissed now. Some fuckers went to my other blog (supposed to be secretive) and put some shit there. But i changed the url, yet again.

Some people are really assholes. From the outside, they may look nice and seem nice, but the moment you delve into their inner character, all you see is shit. The disparity in expectations and reality is immense, and seriously, I am sure you will meet ( or have met) some ppl like this. Just be careful of such people..

Anywae another observations. Met 3 different RJC girls recently, 3 vastly differing characters. The first is the petite, tall, chio one. But as one may expect, shes' kinda prima donna and won't mug a lot. She also has much higher (often unexplained and unjustified) expectations of others. The second is the average next door gal, who's quite mugger but pretty easy to get along with. The third is the horrible looking but incredibly proded kind, who got shit looks but u just get the uncanny feeling that she will eventually become the numero uno in her field. She epitomised the ultra mugger and what they call loser in japan, most likely a spinster but unbelievably successful.

HCJC>RJC. I am serious.

Another thing, i really think people are spreading too much shit abbt me. I know i am a nice guy who is like okie with jokes and everything. But some idiots are just incorrigible. And the worse thing is, people often believe the nonsense they sprout and do i get the chance to defend myself?? NO!!

But this Eric guy from RI 3D did call me a nice person. Gotta commend him though.. :D

Gerald is really talking too much, that's my opinion. If he can do as much as he can talk, he will be really pro (which he is unfortunately not). But it's still quite nice to work with him. How many JC ppl can put up with a Sec 3 outdoing u in all kinds of stuff.

And someone told me to do polymer chem.. THINKING...

I am really not blogging often now. Maybe i am just busy, but i suspect it's laziness. So well, cya!


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