Thursday, April 27, 2006

well, i got raped by the chinese hmt midyr exam papers.seems like the chuck norris impersonation isn't workin...

well, paper 1 was okie. but i wrote the wrong address for si han. is that stupid or what? i guess stupid. other than that was jsut a rush of time and writing to cram crap.

paper 2 was really the killer. firstly, i found the infront few sections difficult. and when i had 2 reading comprehension AND one summary, i had 1 hr left. so how? still udn bcuk up. and so i had less than 20min to do 1 comprehension and summary. i probably released tons of fight or flight hormones, cos i finished the summary in a cool 5 min. And anyhow finished the paper, though i must admit the later parts were all crap. YES. it fucking raped me.

though on a sidenote, i realised another talent of our immensely talented teachers. my english teacher for example can doze off on a table with a pen in his hands. wth. damn pro rite?'

after that went to eat at j8 with wuyang.

then went home to slack till now. still feeling crap. i will probably go watch some lame clip and get an afternoon break.

well, since chuck norris ain't working and i am not gonna study for ct, i am gooing to imagine myself as someone else? YES> imagine myself to be teachers!! how smart.

btw i think the school uses negative feedback on 4F. u see, to create a non-mugger studying environment, non-mugging teachers have to be thrown into the picture to counter the mugger class. kaoz. the sch is dman pro in bio


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