Monday, April 17, 2006

I like soccer, and i often play soccer during/after Red Cross trainings.

One thing i seemed to notice abt me as a player is that i am bloody inconsistent. There's times when i feel like the MVP, the best player on the pitch, while often, i am also the lousiest player and target of ridicule.

For example, today, i felt i played quite well. There's soem instances which really made me feel proud. For example, there was this exquisite pass from Muhd which i heeled to Junren for him to score. I saw Zola do it and i never tot i could do it, but it just came to me at that moment and i did it. Amazing rite? Well, that goal was a fabulous team goal. Alvin brought the ball from defense, laid off for muhd, who picked me out and i fooled many with the heel, for Jr to eventually execute a cool finish.

There was also another instance which made me proud. A defense splitting pass from Muhd found me. And i just purposely shot wide, u noe those kind of thierry henry shot whch wold curve back in. And it worked. i know it wasn't that breathtaking or what, but it's really difficult to execute okie? And u need confidence to even try that.

Well, i am not a good player. Just moments of brilliance sometimes. I am often a passer-by in games, contributing close to nothing. I am more of a nuisance sometimes, losing balls in tight situations and missing sitters. So in all, i suck.

And jap ca was okie. Not too mugger based. I feel damn relieved cos i spent RE playing cards instead of mugging, and it was okie. Somehow, yokoi sensei make me care abt jap. Not like the seetoh bitch who just make me detest the subject more, yokoi sensei just has this uncanny ability of making me feel guilty and want to ace jap. Maybe cos she was my first jap teacher in sec 1, but she does have a magical effect on me.

And mrs joylim can be quite naggy at times. For example, today during re, she called me when i was buying food. Even after i have finished my food, she was still talking. And though she's a gd/nice teacher, she's quite inflexible. She dismiss my idea quickly and only hesitate when i mentioned that mr teo chai yaw thinsk it could be feasible.

I think i am having a crush on someone. Guess


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