Monday, October 03, 2005

wow... I slept at only 2 this morning. At first was watching Chelsea-Liverpool. My team won 4-1, thanks to Drogba. And after that was chatting to loser Kevin. And he gave me an inspiration, which made me write abt some story... maybe publish it after CT.

And so morning was shit.. Sick ba.

Assembly was lousy. Can't fathom why all the prefect nominees are clowns/jokers. Only serious one was Titus, simple and sweet. And shown this stupid video for assembly. The producer is ugly... somehow had this uncanny feeling she was from RG... lol and it's true.

Couldn't see the art in it, honestly. Just some weirdos and a bit of musical background. I mean, u can have a reputation, but not every shit tht u make can be considered art... very lousy 1 hr..

And then Mr Andrew Lim was quite funny... lame also.. Anyway briefing on PSL. I have no time, or else may consider..

Bio was ok la. But not feeling well, so feel like sleeping. But Mrs Lim was quite nice. English was CCT summary test. Not very hard la. My teacher even showed me answers.. LOLX.. anywae the answer scheme is crap

Recess not feeling well. Din even eat or play cards. Chem la was quite shit also. Mrs Kwa ap for half the lesson. Lixing say we are like having potions lessons. Physics was half dying. I was wanting to puke plus sleep plus just die. And had to retake physics quiz straight after that...

I mean, she just said to me, " Hey, u take ur physics quiz after school todae..." No reminder, just stone cold liddat. And i was supposed to take it w/o fail, or she just cross out my CA w/o thinking. I mean, when u re HOD, u do command certain respect..

So after that went dining hall to eat with Rongbing. It was ok la, considering the other shit they were selling.. And rushed for SS. Luckily Sm Jacq Sim wasn't so ap todae. but when she's good mood, tell lame stuff, joke around, and act cute, she quite nice la lol

Fell asleep on train, so couldn't sleep at home.. half dead. Tired,but couldn't sleep, couldn't game,couldn't eat etc etc...


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