Friday, October 14, 2005

long time since i last blogged...
just some updates..

my physics and chem ca are screwed..
i have learnt that there's something called project work that counts ok?
So basically i did damn well for everything for the 2 subjects, other than the 2 impt project works which accounted for 20% of CA each (got 60+ %).

Though my physics is still an improvement from last term, bio also. Chem and math dropped...

And i actually got 3/15 for matrices quiz w/o even knowing the topic!!

The first IBN interview was sian la. Ms Adeline was like .... Though i found Biopolis quite coolio..

Not feeling well these few days.. and sometimes sleep a lot, like 14hrs 0_0

Ytd woke up at 9am. Headache and late.. so cont sleeping until 11.30am, which is more than 12hrs slept! And soon ate ban mee and went for 2nd interview..

Ran like siao. Luckily i knew Buona Vista well. And due to an incredible twist of circumstancs which i shall not elaborate here, i was 30 min late for interview. Ms Noreena was really nice, the director. Thought she looked fierce at first, she was really a nice women..

And now the bad things happen. Becos i am used to the damn bitchy, damn idiotic, damn crappy women in my life, suddenly i din noe how to react when a woman becomes nice to me or decide to be pleasant. I was all along adapted to handle the bitchy kind. In fact, i had the same experience wed afternoon. Totally frreaked out.. totally stoned.

Women... sighz...

So the sec 4 talked a lot while i kinda stoned. And when she asked me for my fav subject, i din noe wad to say. First said Chem, then said Bio... loser me

So this took up my afternoon.. Got home. Decided to carbonate myself by drinking 1 ltr of h20(the isotonic one) And quite tired also. So slept early again. wtf

So today got up 1 hr in adv to study for SS. English was a bit tough, but i was kinda mentally prepared for it. Also veri unsure how i did for it. Ate recess. Then SS not enough time. Funnily, i had guessed the essay qn correctly and even asked Ms Sim abt it the other day. LOL. I was scribbling like siao, and i write slowly. only 15min for 15mk structured essay.. sad

Then was feelingg shit, headache and stuff. Took geog quiz.. then stoned in HML. Then ate again, though i wasn't really hungry. Went popular. Bought this chem bk by chris choy. it seems a really nice bk. was really tempted to buy this bk on insults, which was HILARIOUS but considering the chem bk cost $25...

SO just went home and stoned...


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