Friday, October 06, 2006

Bright side of life

Sometimes we shdln't be too pessimistic, must look on the bright side of life. Then things look so much better. Some examples

1. Ct is coming
Defence: Also means end of ct is drawing closer months of fun, games etc

2. Schlife is stressful
Defence: Really? Look at ysum. Then u think u are still stressed??

3. Must climb a lot in raja block
Defence: At least you dun have to go all the way to gyms to try out treadmill. Plus improves stamina

4. Unsatisfied with 3.6
Defence: It's 1 notch lower than the highest possible GPA while 9 notches higher than the lowest possible GPA

5. Teachers dun give notes
Defence: At least photocopying costs are down

6. Not as imba as people like qihan
Defence: You just have to be 4/5 of qihan to get 4.0 for math. How cool is that!

7. You dun have as cool a blog as this
Defence: oh man.... too bad =P


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