Sunday, October 01, 2006

Stupid Day

Well, two things to say about today... stupid and stupid

Firstly, i was shopping with my parents at west mall.... aiya just some stupid baby stuff. And so i went library to read some things, and i was just sitting at this corner.

What happened was this old hag lookinig really sick and half demented was trying to pry open the locked door (i think it was some emergency exit or sth) and i tot she was really siao (she looked siao enough evne w/o doing that).

The next thing she did was to gesture to me to open it for her. knn fuck her la. Eventually she found out from her friend that the exit was at the other side, and then before she left, she came back to scold me.

It went something like this: aiya you bad boy, never tell me the exit is there. make me run about. no jia jiao

Lol. "siao. fuck u la." though i din actually say it out. I mean its not my problem that she can't even remember where she had entered rite? Nor issit my problem that she really looks genuinely siao and i had really thought that she was trying something funny/crazy.... stupid woman

Yea, and so i was reading lots of stuff. And guess what? I saw the Sunday Times, which reported the 2 winning esays for the Pen Essay Award.

Which is basically a humiliation for me.... after reading and to a certain degree scrutinizing those texts.

The 1st essay is some MGS shit about her dying dog. I know i dun own a dog and blah blah but honestly, it wasn't the least touching. In fact it's childish, the way she was describing her r'ship with her pet... it looked like a typical pri sch essay... and content is shit. Anyway it's the DAY, not PERIOD that changed ur life... bleargh. Language is shit as well... u'll prob concur with me if you read it

The 2nd essay is probably worse.... about a RGS girl who wore braces. for fuck's sake how the fuck does that change your life?!?!?! It's so freakishly lame that it isn't funny anymore. Braces?! lol... Although the language was considerably better than the previous one, i just think the content is lame. It's sheer humiliation to any students who have submitted for this competition.

Which leads me to think that the sch did not actually submit all our essays. Like just dump them at one corner..... i mean if you look at real substance, RI's proabably overflwoing with such budding writers and there's definitely a great essay around (i even felt mine was better than those 2)

Then if you had meant it as a dud contest aka joke, you shld just choose some even lamer shit. I mean even DFC's essay shld edge those 2 in terms of sheer anti-quality and lameness.

Lol... all in all a lame and stpid day


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