Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Okie blog about what happend today

First was sch... quite sian. Results not really gd but i'm not complainining. Well what i always feel is that happiness is due to expectations and productivity. People who are productive (pro) may be unhappy while people with low expectations can be very happy? So why make urself unhappy??


So other than the stupid screwed up test papers, PHYSICS was quite interesting.. All the tough stuff, current, charges hehehe

Then after sch went wilson's house. hehe

At first he and kwok playing dota, so i was playing fifa street.. But somehow can't load so play fifa and world cup, though i was myself pretty sian ofthe game

Lol so went back. They just finishing first dota game. Joined for 2nd game. wow i long tme never play dota liao. Cos i uninstalled wc just before ct. then recently to reinstall comp, i delted all those nocdkey , patch , replays and other stuff..

So my team was tze, kwok, yj and mysef. Other team was clem, stan , cm, andy.

I took sniper, and at first tried middle lane. Of course i noob mah, even cm and andy owned me like some shit. Basically andy just nova me and dragon knight (cm) tried to finish me off. Lucky cm likes to gl sometimes, can kill me liao but run away haha =P

Anyway wilson's sister had to use the computer for some damn important stuff (like blogging) so we went to play pool afterwards lor.

Well i am quite enthu about pool but i just suck at it, the technique, style etc. For FFA my average is like 1-2 points lor... ><

And got this time i hit the ball it flew... and over the fence... and into the neighbor's house. the white ball spoilt, really paiseh ah wilson. But at least the broken pot wasn't caused by the ball as initially expected

Anyway returned home and chatted a lot funs


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