Thursday, November 30, 2006

Dutch Are Scary

Long time no blog... rather tired these days...

Anyway today there were this bunch of dutch visitors and god they are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoo tall!!! omg

The women were all taller than me, like ranging from around 175cm to 190cm.... like there were a few even taller than bruce (who looks big at 185cm) wtf...

Then the guys are scarier, some like 190++ or sth.... oO

wah these dutch people are really sickos.... ><

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Grad (more pics)

Racist Pic
(haha muhd was drinking coke ROFL)

With great fren HC
(know him since P4...)

4F People...

With Black man in White

With fellow JY
he's headboy btw

With Eugene




With Mr Ego and Mr Birthday Boy
From Left: Super Math Pro, Math Pro, Math Noob

With Mr Boyah

With Ms Low Siew Hsien

With Mr Year Heads

RC People

Whole Table... w/o lamecomer kwok

4F People

Table People

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Today is Wednesday

Issit coincidence that i juz met eve on 2 consecutive days....


Sunday, November 19, 2006

Sunday Times

Today was a pretty much stupid day, but read something interesting in Sunday Times

It's page 14 of Life page, an article by Sumiko Tan on weird names...

and this part was rather interesting, she wrote something along the lines of:
"people like to add z to their names, to make themselves look smarter and more educated, such as TZEWEI... blah blah"


anyway i am getting a new camera later. It's more for myself, as i dun really like to use the family sony handycam or the nikon camera... basically i have been thinking about buying the sony t10 or the olympus 710 for some time, but just couldn't decide on what to buy... so i have been asking around

Hong Cheng
Justina Tan

Chris Zhao (in fact he bought the olympus after i told him)
Ben Lim

I dunno leh, i was really impressed by the sony design and i so very nearly decide to buy it. But being the fickle minded person that i am, i eventually decided on the olympus after all, the crucial factors being : sony must buy separate memory ><


back to busy work tmr! ~

Saturday, November 18, 2006

NRP Synposium

Woot today is NRP synposium, and that marks the end of my nrp journey.

So early in the morning, i was first struggling to get up. But i finally looked thru my slides (after only confirmin' them yesterday.... was in ntu ytd till 9+)

Went there. Was early. And found more things to cut down. We all seem rather nervous and unpreparaed... dots

So finally it was our turn to present. It went fairly well. Although i just have stage fright and totally forgot everything !!!! wth la!!! bopian just spoke what i could la...

But 1. the results were impressive 2. our presentation was good. That prof lim guy was calling us the future bill gates... lols.... so after ours i was just stoning. And i was so hungry (forgot to eat breakfast) and was gobbling the tea food, *almost* beating ms low siew hsien... but she's too imba la first plate already own me haha

Anyway eventually we got gold, which was rather expected. Cos really a hell lot of teams got gold. And we got 90 marks from the judges (compared to avg 70), but we did not win the big prize. ewwww. But tbh the HCI grand winner was really a very very excellent group, honestly. The presentation was great, the visual aids were wonderful, and the results are good too.... one of the most imba presentations i've seen oO

Went home after that, was pretty tired... anyway i think i've decided on my grad nite attire... after all that crap here and there about coats, i have changed from my previous stance of buying a white coat to buying NO coat at all... just save myself ALL the trouble bleargh... yea grad niteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~


Monday, November 13, 2006


let's say u earn 20 bucks a day

then u take a taxi to school to collect stuff -> 7.50

and taxi back

plus $5 lunch at holland v

total net income = $0


Thursday, November 09, 2006


Today my brain got sonicfied... serious. Bleargh so i am puking and feeling EXTREMELY giddy now...

She's leaving tmr.... who ah?? ;P


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Nice Mood Today

and no prizes for guessing why... hehehe


Monday, November 06, 2006


Lol today was grad ceremony first

First, AL's speech was memorable to say the least... hahaha

Second, failed to make the seats collapse, that wld have been some news... RI grad dinner ends with a BANG!! hehe

Third, the whole thing was a bit sian

Anyway went with hrb to west mall for a movie.... hehe we watched dead or alive first. Scenes-wise it's pretty good, and christie's pretty hot =D

But plot wise it's rather lacking, and not very climatic. All the girls are quite hot.... hehe

So we went to watch the convent after that... this movie had so much potential i feel, but the directors just din tap into that. And i din like the way they portray witchcraft, too hairy-pottish for my likings... ROFL

tired, now, and din chat with her today =(

Sunday, November 05, 2006


I swear that's hooks

The Super star himself!! Master of Bullshit and more Bullshit

During FOOKS class


Anyway have just been slacking these few days

Got a haircut thought... eww cos kmk say grad ceremony must cut... sian

Ermmm still clearing all the shits in my room and comp.... more sian

My sis's been bugging me for M 'n Ms these feww days... sian

And got some problems with *ahem ahem*... more sian

Grad ceremonys tmr.... bye bye RI .... woot! =D

Friday, November 03, 2006

Knowledge is Power and EX

Anyway today was a rather boring day. Class admin stuff, then year head's assembly, which was pretty amusing. Din go out with those peopple for lan as i had to meet 2 teachers... eventually met neither.

Went Delifrance to eat. the chocolate crossaint not bad =D

So went home, played a bit of the new FM 7 and took a nap.

Dentist. After that met my mum for shopping at orchard. We shopped at Kinokuniya and Borders for quite some time. Anyway kino names does not sound logical. Cos kuni is country and ya is shop.... lol

So i realised that books in Singapore are DAMN ex. Basically we bought only 2 main books, one small cookbook and 1 cd. The price? >120 bucks... ex rite? Had dinner and went home

Just now i was showing Tom and Jerry to my sis. Actually it's quite a nice show hahahahahaha okies i am childish